A Year-Long Walk Across America to Benefit Her Future Coalition

20,000 miles to raise 20k through $20 donations

A Year-Long Walk Across America to Benefit Her Future Coalition image


raised towards $20,000 goal



Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

20,000 miles to raise 20k through $20 donations

"I choose to walk as a free woman for those who don't have that freedom or choice." - Angela Maxwell

Combining Angela's passion for adventure with her desire to give back she is walking the United States from DC to Oregon, and using her walk to raise funds for Her Future Coalition to provide help education to survivors of trafficking, gender abuse and girls at high risk for both.

Here's how you can help:

Donate $20 (or any amount!) to this campaign to provide a young girl with a backpack to prepare them for virtual learning (a $10 phone card, healthy snacks, notepads and pencils) while also ensuring they are sheltered, cared for and encouraged to follow their own dreams.

You can follow the walk on Angela's website or share the walk on from Angela's Insta or watch her TED talk!

From Angela:

At a time when we need to come together to help and hold each other up more than ever, I am honored to be partnered with HFC to continue to encourage and empower young girls and women.

Join me in making a difference.

Her Future Coalition helps survivors of extreme gender violence such as human trafficking to heal and build a bright future, with long-term intensive services in shelter, education and employment.

Without the intervention of shelter and education, 90% of girls growing up in red light areas will be trafficked or sexually abused by the age of eight.

Her Future's programs are designed to break the cycle of intergenerational trafficking and abuse. In our red light area centers, girls find safety, love, shelter, education, counseling and a full range of other services.

While on the road, Angela lives simply and sustainably. 100% of the funds raised from this campaign will go to Her Future. Angela is choosing to live in her tent - a temporary shelter - for the year, in the hope that these girls can have permanent shelter.

Angela's TED talk in Edinburgh

Says Maxwell, “Walking around the world has opened my eyes more than ever to the struggles women in so many parts of the world still face. I want to use this last leg of my journey to shine a light on women’s and girls’ issues, and the powerful impact we can have on the lives of women worldwide, when we walk together as one.”