Education, Not Exploitation
Since 2005 we have been breaking the cycle of poverty and exploitation in survivors of human trafficking and high-risk girls through education.
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
You can change a life.
We offer choices & opportunities, so women and girls can be the architects of their own lives. We work in collaboration with outstanding local agencies. Together we create empowering environments where survivors can heal and thrive.
Her Future Coalition is a mature and fiscally responsible non-profit. Our financials and reports are updated annually - click HERE to take a look.
The most vulnerable women & girls.
We serve the most marginalized, abused and vulnerable girls including survivors of human trafficking, child marriage, rape, extreme domestic violence and girls at high risk for all of these circumstances. Help us make the dream of freedom and independence a reality for girls who never dreamed it could be possible.
Give back.
An online donation is easy, secure & the fastest way to send help. You can choose a one-time donation or give monthly. Keep scrolling to learn more.
$10 - Feeds a survivor for a week - It is impossible to get an education if your basic needs are not met. Her Future partners with local agencies to build, expand and maintain shelters for rescued girls. These shelters also provide food so that girls are able to find comfort and heal.
$30 - Educates a survivor for a month - Most survivors come to us with little or no formal education. We strongly believe education is the way to end the cycle of slavery. With customized literacy, academic and vocational job training programs, survivors and at-risk girls are able catch up, earning degrees that transform their future.
$50 - Provides shelter for a survivor for a month - We support the ongoing needs of girls in our programs with: food, clothing, medical and counseling. Shelter is the critical first step in the girls' journey to recovery and freedom.
$360 - Educates a survivor for a year - Child survivors of slavery or kids born into brothels communities are destined to grow up and repeat the cycle unless given an education to build a different kind of life.
$1000 - Educates an entire classroom of 25 survivors for a month - We currently support the education of 750 children. This donation helps create long-term stability & security for the girls who rely on us most.
Since 2005 Her Future offers shelter, education and job training programs to survivors of gender violence and girls at the highest risk. Our long term, intensive support enables them to recover from trauma, rejoin society, and build a bright future. We believe passionately in collaboration as the only way to solve the worlds' biggest problems, and operate many of our programs in partnership with respected local agencies, with whom we have built relationships of trust over many years.
In addition to operating our own programs, Her Future also acts as a fiscal sponsor for several of our partners: Ek Tara, Women's Interlink Foundation, Rescue Foundation, South Kolkata Hamari Muskan and Chora Chori. You can designate a donation to go to one of them directly and receive a U.S. tax exemption letter.
Her Future Coalition, (formally T.E.N. Charities) EIN# 37-1497985 is a Massachusetts non-profit corporation, (501c3 federal tax exempt), and your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law.